søndag den 1. september 2013

ambitious filmstudent

...nice letter from old ambitious student. I wrote him back, that I've got a new bunch of nice students...and that they hopefully prove to be a wee bit crazy and talented - this guy certainly is:
JAqbw Oio     29. august 17:45
Dastin- the guy whos in Odder hojskole, right now- told me that you wanna know what is going on, riht now in my life. Thats really nice of you, that you wanna know that and i feel little bit embarassed, that i didnt give any sign of my life. So im really sorry.
So i left the idea of go for a movie director study. I thot it will be much better idea, to do that in different way (to be a movie director). I went for a Animation- 3d and cartoon studies in University of Art in Poznan. As You proppably know im better worker when I work for my own. Animation give me that opportunity. Still i can make my own movies, reconstruct my dreams and thots in to a life. Just in cheaper and more peacefull way:D. And again i can learn how to be patient. So... I'm gonna start my studies in next month so I can not wait. Still i wanna make normal motion picture movies but in my free time. Most of all - documentary movies.
So that's all about my actual life. I wonder how Your new appretice's. Do they make some amazing pictures?:D
By the way- I watched last time a Danish/Norway movie - "Jagten". Amazing. Just amazing.
JAqbw Oio     29. august 17:46
Ps. sorry for my gramma

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