mandag den 17. december 2012

retro filmschool

Godt nytår fra Jeppe og Morten and ”The retro-filmschool” to friends, followers, old students and new talents.  

The talented students of fall 2012, broadcasted 4 fine tv-shows at ”Kanal Østjylland”: They  called their shows: ”@Retro”, so now we consider to change our good old name, ”School of film and tv-production to fx
 ”Retro-filmskolen Fluxus”/”The retro-filmschool Fluxus”
 or something even more smashing. FilmJeppe staked one of his famous filmhats as a prize for the right idea.

The students film for the coming culturehouse in Sorring, ”The House of Clay/Pottery”  was  well produced and very  poetic:  tv-journalist Per Hansen from the  project-commitee was impressed and  a formal ”premier” at the Clayfactory in Sorring will be arranged soon.

Ida is still working on her final short fiction  and Olga pays attention to the last details of her most interesting documentary on the Bosnian society in Aarhus. As soon as possible You can see the works on   together with other productions of our filmschool…

..AND MOREOVER WE’RE CERTAINLY GOING TO CONTINUE THE GOOD WORKS IN 2013, so if  You know of talents, who knows something of film and television-production or wants to come to know…tell’m to look for ”School of film and television-production” at Odder Hojskole,

merry christmas and all the best from Jeppe Hovman and Morten Lundgaard.