onsdag den 16. november 2011


We hate me, its true all my international filmandtvfriends hate me because I write messages on facebook og here in danish, so.... 

To my crazy film/tv-friends out there:

 Get Your own tv-show – and make as much film as You are able to.

Heureka ! We survived the first round of our own tv-show. This was tough going, chaotic, rewarding and fascinating, a bit to the conventional side to my taste, perhaps. But very convincing, indeed – no-one would have been without it, I believe. NOW, the students are proud, self-complacent and cool…

what happens in the next round ?
...nobody knows:
 the new talents shall ”create” their ways and design the next 4 shows…

..and next round starts NOW-NOW.
We are going to find the crew for spring 2012, so if You have the guts and the talent or know somebody, who wants to dig TV,  make contact fast, chop-chop  - we have limited  intake.

We are looking for talents,  who allready have some skills in producing, planning, shooting, editing, lighting, sound and design, telling film and journalistic stories – but we need wild storytellers, performers and ”reporters” too…so if You’re nicely crazy and wild its not a must to have ”studied” tv or filmproduction before joining our team.

You’ll get a chance in a lifetime, routine, a hot bit for the CV and You’ll build up a impressive show-reel.

Here’s briefly, what it’s all about:

We have expanded our succesfull ”School of Film and tv-production” with a superstructure for talented tv-grassroots and halfbaked wannabes.

We are going to produce our own  28 min. TV-Show  4 times each semester and broadcast by ”Mediahus Aarhus” -  a community body making regional TV for East-Jutland.

We  have a fixed time for our show on channel ”Østjylland”, channel ”Midt Vest”, ”You See” and the net.

 We choose the subjects/what to deal with, the form is free, we create the look, we make our own jingle etc – and we are of course behind and in front of the camera.

You’ll get routine, a hot bit for the CV and You’ll build up an impressive showreel.

 You’ll become a student at Odder Hojskole.

 ”The School of Film and Television” is a part of ”Odder Højskole”/”Odder Hojschool”. We have named the team: ”The TV-Editors”.
Every week in half a year ”The TV-Editors” will have 12 lessons per week on tv-production and journalism supervised by professionals. Furthermore You’ll want  filmanalysis, filmhistory, ”Global world” or You want to dig any other subject of the splendid menu of the ”Odder Hojskole”.
 You must attend to 24 lessons per week and You are free to make film the clock around – when You have no lectures.
The course starts at 8th. of Jan. 2012

Find Your way or invent new television with
other pitstoppers/timeouters/grassroots/storytellers/social reformers/practicians.

We are looking for talents to join our TV-productionteam . We want 8 - 10 ”journalists” and ”TV- makers”, who should be selfreliant and have a suitable background to be able to lift the responsibility of a ongoing TV-show.

Interested? Contact filmJeppe soon – we’re going to find out, who should become the ”pilots” of our caper. The interviews starts…now.

The deadline is 2nd of dec 2011 of and You’ll get the verdict shortly after.

DoP Jeppe Hovman DFF

tirsdag den 15. november 2011

egen tv-kanal

selv en filmgris kan få noget at tykke på når tv-holdet spænder mullerne.
Bliv afhængig af deadlines.

Er der et liv efter :

”Skolen for film og tv-produktion”
Medieskolernes grundforløb
lomme Tv-shows
filmekspeditioner i den 3. Verden

eller skal Du ha’ pause fra Uni…

Få dit eget tv-program - og lav al den film Du orker.

Vi har udvidet vores succesfulde filmskole med en overbygning for talentfulde tv-græsrødder og halvbagte  wannabes.

Vi producerer vores eget 28 min.  program, hver 3. uge for Mediehus Aarhus som leverer regional-tv i østjylland.

Vi får fast sendetid på Kanal Østjylland

Emnerne er frie, formen er fri, looket er frit og vi producerer selv jingle osv – vi er selvfølgelig selv både foran og bagved kameraet.

Du får branchekontakt, opbygger netværk, får fyldt på cv’et og opbygger en showreel, som sparker…og så lærer  Du selvfølgelig at bruge tv-mediet.

Du bliver elev på Odder Højskole.

Vi søger folk til at lave 4 tv-programmer i foråret 2012. Vi skal bruge mellem 8 og 10 ”journalister” og ”tv-teknikere, som skal være selvstændige  og have en passende baggrund for at kunne løfte ansvaret for et fast tv-program.  Vi kalder holdet for ”TV-Redaktionen”.
Opholdet varer ½ år. Hver uge får ”Redaktionen” 12 undervisningstimer i tv-produktion og tv-journalistik. Derudover kan Du feks. vælge filmanalyse og filmhistorie samt ”Verdensborger” eller kaste Dig over  vores mange andre tilvalg. Du skal vælge mindst 24 undervisningstimer om ugen.
Du kan laver al den film Du orker, døgnet rundt, når der ikke undervisning.
Forårsholdet  starter den 8 jan. 2012.

find din vej i brancen eller opfind det nye tv sammen med

 andre pitstoppere/timeoutere/græsrødder/storytellers/samfundsomstyrtere/praktikkere.

Hvis Du er blevet nysgerrig, så kontakt filmJeppe snarest.
Vi skal finde ud af hvordan ”forårsholdet 2012”, skal strikkes sammen. Samtalerne begynder… nu.

Vi har deadline fredag d. 2. december kl. 12. Du får besked om optagelse umiddelbart herefter.

kærkig hilsen filmJeppe,

Filmfotograf Jeppe Hovman DFF

PS læs osse Odder Højskoles hjemmeside: ”Skolen for film og tv-produktion”.

onsdag den 2. november 2011

..."Røde får"

...friends, You'll know by now, of course, that Paw resigned to get more time for his family and political career. Bad luck - good luck, also - we got Morten instead.
Unfortunately, though, Morten can't sing and  wouldn't be able to lift the heritage from Paw joining this duo with me: "The Red Sheeps", singing naughty and old red battle-songs.
Fortunately chiefSoeren volunteered to join me, so we shall be able to make this dirty show anyway, when the Højskole" throws a goodby-party for Ruth and Paw on friday.
I consider to named the new constallation: "The red ears..." or ( and only danes will appreciate that ) "Op af Brøndens klare vand...", greetings to Kresten Povlsgaard...

by the way, we've bought a present for Paw: a vest/waistcoat and a red silk-tie, so he shouldn't forget his mentor and friend "the filmJeppe"


...I convinced Chief Soeren that we couldn't live happily with out a DSLR solution, so we invisted in a Canon 6ooD and a Zoom H4N 4 chanal Digital Audio Recorder + a converter, so we can use my old but very good quality set of Nikon lenses. Thats filmlook, guys and sheguys!
And by the way: we have got new tripods for the cameras and new redheads, so we are in business

aesthetics of the music-video

...we're running a project week on "The Aestethics of the Musicvideo". Participants: a talented mix of our Television-editors and the filmstudents. Morten Lundgård and I work hand in hand,
 lecturing, coaching, nursing...I even acted as lighting engineer at a shoot in "El Paso" today...seems as if its easier to ask me to do the dirty work than to unfold the ears when I teach how to do..!!! anyway we are good and have a swell time. The videos looks marvellous; we are shooting DSLthis week Keep an eye on our website, we are going to link, when the students upload to Youtube on friday

film og medievidenskab

Start på videresendt besked:

Fra: Thea Hviid Ødbehr
Dato: 28. okt 2011 11.36.04 CEST
Til: Jeppe Hovman
Emne: Hej fra en gammel elev! :)


Jeg har fået hyggelig mail fra en tidligere filmelev, som jeg ikke kan finde et ordentligt billede af, men her er hun altså midt i rodet på mit skrivebord:   

Hej kære Jeppe!

Håber alt er vel på Odder Højskole, og at det kører derudaf med tv-produktionen. Hører rygter om, at det skulle være rigtig godt! (:
En del af os fra forårsholdet 2011 er jo endt i København, og både Natalia Szwebs og jeg er begyndt på Film- og medievidenskab - som vi er virkelig begejstrede for! Vi kan takke jer på højskolen for, at vi blev motiveret til at starte på det rigtige studie :D

Mange hilsner fra
Thea Ødbehr (Forårsholdet 2011, Odder Højskole)