torsdag den 10. december 2009

Rest in peace...

...missus and me myself is heading for Portugal tomorrow to check out Wim Wenders ( Lisbon story ), some witch-student from Slovacia figurs that he made that film on me. We leave the geese in costudy of nice neighbours, though...

...So this blog shall rest peacefully until start of next year...

By the way, we had a very interessting meeting with filmdirector Jens Loftager and the film "Paradise" in the "Biffen" ( cinema ) in Odder. A sort of very "blue" portrait of Denmark. Hard-to-get-rid-of sort of doc. - go see. Headmaster Søren, who is so very sensitive7fragile missed "just a bit of spring" ind the end. Student were very quiet, when watching this doc. after the credits, not a single popcorn banged to the floor.

Happy Christmas from filmJeppe.

søndag den 6. december 2009

A film and story-telling school...

Stories from the past, no 1.
In october the filmstudents co-worked on films with the actors from "Hojskolen Performers House. The Performers brought their own press-unit to cover the event. Here is one of their background -stories:
A film and story-telling school
26. October/ It's learning by doing on the film and TV-line

Jeppe Hovmann, hojskole-teacher and film photographer, comes by with a “deadcat “. The furry thing dangling from his hand is meant to protect a microphone when recording out in the open.
- That’s what professionals call it, he laughs.
- This subject is about, how to tell stories in films. But first you have to learn how to switch on the camera, so to speak. I mean, you need to know the basic technique, before you can start telling stories.

- You have to learn to switch on the camera before you can use it to tell stories, says Jeppe Hovmann.
- This is not a technical film school but a story telling school.Students have 12 weekly lessons on this “main-line”. They also have the opportunity to follow courses in film-history and in film and TV-analysis.
Student at the Film & TV-line Mikael Brink Frederiksen adds:
- We learn to make movies. Recording-technique. It’s learning by doing with Jeppe giving us comments on what we made. He gives us little tasks - dogmas you may call it - for example to make a short film without dialogue, cleansound only and some other elements. It’s fun to have such dogmas to limit your work. What we are doing now is free-film – the only rule is that everyone on the team
Dogmas can be motivating according to Mikael Brink Frederiksen.should have a certain task.
The current team at the Film & TV-production line started along with other lines at Odder Hojskole in mid-august. At Odder Hojskole they call each line a “school”. Some students have 16 others 20 weeks to develop their talents in the world of film and television before the term ends in December.

>> Home
Story and photo: Kåre Christiansen
Performers House . Papirfabrikken 76 . DK-8600 Silkeborg . Tel.: +45 86 800 820 .

lørdag den 5. december 2009

invitation til filmskolens venner

...kom og oplev "Paradis" -
nu med Loftager sammen med os. I samarbejde med "Biffen" og Odder Gymnasiums filmlinie viser vi "Paradis" og får en snak med en af instruktørene kl. 14.00 på onsdag d. 9/12 i Biffen i Odder:
Paradis / Paradise
Many refer to Denmark as a 'paradise' on earth. In many international surveys Danes rate as the happiest of people. Journeying through three very different stories we meet a young Danish soldier on his way to Iraq, an Iraqi girl who has been living in a refugee camp in Denmark for six years, and a middle-class couple expecting their first child. We experience that not everyone is allowed to enter or stay in Paradise. The three stories are built into a mosaic of other contemporary lives in Denmark. Faces of loneliness, longing, fear and control meet us.
Director: Jens Loftager, Erlend E. Mo, Sami Saif

torsdag den 3. december 2009

julehjælp til fattige filmfolk

...i år støttede Højskolen nogle uimodståelige!!! unge filmfolk med husly, hjælp fra filmeleverne og rådgivning ved filmJeppe - resultatet er blevet overraskende seværdigt - se bare her:

Kære alle på ....... !
Istedet for julekort sender jeg et link til EN LILLE JULEKALENDER i 24 afsnit, som jeg har været med til at lave!"Jul I Folkekirken" er en megeT SPONTAN PRODUKTION lavet for 0,00 milliarder dollars af GLADE amatører, men den er nu blevet ret SJOV. Stilen er lidt UDEN FOR KATEGORI men måske lun folkekomedie a la Hannibal og Jerry. Tænk så langt fra Jul På Vesterbro som du kan - Sønderjylland vil være passende. Hvert afsnit på 5-6 MINUTTER er en spøjs hyldest til det hjemmestrikkede og lune. får du HVER DAG ET NYT AFSNIT i fortællingen om en polsk juletræssælger og hans gravide hustru der er blevet landsforvist og ingen hoteller har plads. Det gravide par søger ly i en lille dansk landsbykirke, men kirken er ikke umiddelbart indstillet på at huse ’flygtninge’. Hurtigt viser det sig, at kirkens ikke-troende præst, det polske par og den metroseksuelle engel, der bor sammen med nissen Henning på loftet, har en fælles mission – at gøre kirken populær igen – ellers bliver den lukket og lavet om til hønsesuppefabrik... SPÆNDING!
Kærlig hilsen og glædelig december fra Julie!