torsdag den 6. august 2009

onwards cineatic students

Follow the goose.

Greetings from yet another good old filmstudent:

Hi Everybody!Some of you have heard from me a long time ago, hope you still remember me :)You know I'm interested in moviemaking since a while, and now I found time to upload a short fiction film of mine, the first one, that I have made in Denmark 2008, and I like it very much, it was a lot of fun to make it.Since then I visited a one-year filmseminar in Hungary and have made 3 other shortfilms. Now I uploaded only the first one: soon to be continued with the other ones :)And I hope to make one more this summer, we'll see.And I'm still working on the editing of a short film - rather some athmosphere - from the film camp at lake Balaton in Hungary with the Polifilm filmschool.So be patient and you'll get some more films from me :)I hope to hear from you soon.I wish a very nice summer for you!Best wishesJozefa

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