tirsdag den 5. maj 2009

eksperimenterende film fra Indien

Experimental films from India
Friday May 15th 2009 8pm – 10pm
Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde

Bollywood film productions have generated a worldwide interest in contemporary Indian film. However, beyond the mainstream entertainment media lies a dynamic video art and independent film scene. RE:FRAME is a selection of seven films from this scene. Oscillating between documentary, video art, experimental film, and animation, this compilation explores the means with which memory is incorporated within postcolonial Indian society, both as individual journeys as well as national psyche. It shows contrasting points of view regarding the country's situation and its different unanswered questions.

Pushpamala N: Rashtziy Kheer & Desiy Salad (11 min.)
Ayisha Abraham: Straight 8 (17 min.)
Raqs Media Collective: Ceasural, variations 1 and 2 (8 min.)
Ashish Avikunthak: Endnote (Antaral) (18 min.)
Sarnath Banerjee: Bengali Tourist (4 min.)
Tejal Shah: I love my India (10 min.)
Debkamal Ganguly: Space bar (work in progress) (21 min.)
Free, but reservation is required. Limited number of seats. English subtitles.Mail to enrico@samtidskunst.dk or phone to 46 31 65 70 at least the day before.

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