- ...we got this wrappic from Meike via Lili, I believe - the star with the sunglasses would be Charlotta. Photo from Meikes last film produced at our filmschool it's Meike in the rabbitpyjamas.
torsdag den 26. september 2013
fredag den 20. september 2013
short-porn, polish way at "School of film and tv-production"
...the good filmpeople at "School of Film and Tv-production" seems to be in action day and night.
Here filming Lukazs short: a sort of artyfarty porn as far as I understand, lets see how it works. Photo:Balazs.
The "Tv-editors" takes up work on their "Talkshow nr. 1" on monday after a week relaxing with other subjects at www.odderhojskole.dk such as "canoeing in the lakelands of Jylland", "architecture", "songwriting" and "collography"
Here filming Lukazs short: a sort of artyfarty porn as far as I understand, lets see how it works. Photo:Balazs.
The "Tv-editors" takes up work on their "Talkshow nr. 1" on monday after a week relaxing with other subjects at www.odderhojskole.dk such as "canoeing in the lakelands of Jylland", "architecture", "songwriting" and "collography"
onsdag den 18. september 2013
web-serie pitch
...hvis I har brug for lidt lommepenge eller mangle lidt at rive i, så er her noget at gå i gang med:
søndag den 8. september 2013
Film og Tv-produktionstekniker
Naja i midten...så er hun OK |
Naja Navntoft 8. september 12:58
Hej Jeppe
Jeg håber alt går forrygende med det nye efterårshold på højskolen. Håber især Tv-holdet har nye fantastiske planer for nogle spændende programmer!
Jeg er som tidligere nævnt begyndt på Film- og Tv-produktionstekniker uddannelsen på Københavns Tekniske skole, hvor jeg ikke bliver udfordret nært så meget som på OH. Jeg savner lidt at blive kastet ud i tingene og lege professionel. Men jeg har også kun gået her i 5 uger nu, så mon ikke det kommer. Men skal jo til at søge praktikplads og tænkte på om du kunne sende en opdateret anbefaling som hjælp, dit ord er jo mere troværdigt end de fleste. Hvis du kunne tage dig tid til det, ville det være en stor hjælp.
Desuden ville jeg høre om skolens computere er blevet renset eller om der stadig ligger forårets film-filer og fcp-projekter. Jeg har nemlig noget musikvideo-værk jeg kun har quick-time-versionen af, som kunne være sjovt at rette i.
Til sidst vil jeg bare til sige fortsæt endelig med opdateringer fra skolen, de bliver læst flittigt.
Eventuelt ville det være super fedt hvis i lavede en side til tv-redaktionen, så vi kan følge med som gamle elever.
Venlig hilsen
fredag den 6. september 2013
...any old filmstudents??!
Volunteering at CPH:DOX 2013!
(For dansk version: se nederst på siden)CPH:DOX 2013 takes place November 7 - 17, and we are looking for the invaluable help of volunteers to make this year's festival happen!
Every year CPH:DOX brings around 180 new films to the screens, as well as a load of concerts, debates, events, parties and much more. With 51.800 admissions in 2012 and hundreds of guests from the international film industry, the festival is one of the largest of its kind in the world.
To be able to present the great amount of films and events during the festival we are depending on a great team of volunteers. Primarily during the festival period, but also in the weeks leading up to the festival. Depending on your wishes and experience, we are looking for volunteers for very diverse tasks: from marketing, hosting and helping out at events, to picking up filmmakers at the airport - and much more.
Being a non-profit organization, our funds are limited, but we can guarantee exciting experiences in great company and, of course, free tickets to the films in the festival program as a thank you for your help.
You apply by filling out this FORM. All applicants will be called in for an interview.
During the fall we will host an introduction-meeting for all of you who would like to help out. Here we will explain more about the specific jobs and the festival in general. This is also a great opportunity to meet each other and plan how to make CPH:DOX 2013 an unforgettable film festival!
We are looking forward to hear from you!
Basak Yilmaz & Sara Simone Flanding
Volunteer Coordinators
søndag den 1. september 2013
...new-found old students
- ...I love info of the whereabouts of old filmstudents...now this is from Lise-Lotte:
- Lise-Lotte AndersenHej Jeppe!
Jeg tænkte, at det nok er meget sjovt at høre, hvor de forskellige gamle OH-elever er henne af i dag. Så nu ville jeg lige dele også (selv om jeg ikke kunne finde en mail på dig, så nu bliver det lige over Facebook). Jeg skal i gang med at skrive bachelorprojekt, som skal afleveres til december, på mit grundfag, idéhistorie (jep, det er det samme fag, Paw Henriksen i sin tid læste). Samtidig er jeg ude på et tilvalgsfag - film og medier. Så nu er jeg, efter et par års pause, endelig kommet tilbage til mit hjerteblod. Til foråret skal vi i gang med at lave en masse kortfilmsproduktioner under kyndig vejledning af mr. Richard Raskin, så håber på, at mine kommende medstuderende kan lidt tricks til kameraet (eller den kreative proces for den sags skyld). Forhåbentlig betyder det også, at jeg til april kan søge ind på kandidatlinjen i Medievidenskab.
Til sidst skal jeg også lige høre dig, om du har et øre i Filmbyen Aarhus? Jeg tænker nemlig på at tage ned og høre dem, om de kan bruge mig til et eller andet - om det så er som kaffehenter - så længe jeg kan få en fod inden for i de bygninger
Håber de nye elever er gode ved dig!
Mvh. Lise-Lotte, F11
fine young filmfriends
...another fine old filmstudent on the job...we still love him
Łukasz Jaźwiec blev tagget i Koi Studios album Dzień przed ostatni - the power is back!!
ambitious filmstudent
...nice letter from old ambitious student. I wrote him back, that I've got a new bunch of nice students...and that they hopefully prove to be a wee bit crazy and talented - this guy certainly is:
JAqbw Oio 29. august 17:45
Dastin- the guy whos in Odder hojskole, right now- told me that you wanna know what is going on, riht now in my life. Thats really nice of you, that you wanna know that and i feel little bit embarassed, that i didnt give any sign of my life. So im really sorry.
So i left the idea of go for a movie director study. I thot it will be much better idea, to do that in different way (to be a movie director). I went for a Animation- 3d and cartoon studies in University of Art in Poznan. As You proppably know im better worker when I work for my own. Animation give me that opportunity. Still i can make my own movies, reconstruct my dreams and thots in to a life. Just in cheaper and more peacefull way:D. And again i can learn how to be patient. So... I'm gonna start my studies in next month so I can not wait. Still i wanna make normal motion picture movies but in my free time. Most of all - documentary movies.
So that's all about my actual life. I wonder how Your new appretice's. Do they make some amazing pictures?:D
By the way- I watched last time a Danish/Norway movie - "Jagten". Amazing. Just amazing.
JAqbw Oio 29. august 17:46
Ps. sorry for my gramma
JAqbw Oio 29. august 17:45
Dastin- the guy whos in Odder hojskole, right now- told me that you wanna know what is going on, riht now in my life. Thats really nice of you, that you wanna know that and i feel little bit embarassed, that i didnt give any sign of my life. So im really sorry.
So i left the idea of go for a movie director study. I thot it will be much better idea, to do that in different way (to be a movie director). I went for a Animation- 3d and cartoon studies in University of Art in Poznan. As You proppably know im better worker when I work for my own. Animation give me that opportunity. Still i can make my own movies, reconstruct my dreams and thots in to a life. Just in cheaper and more peacefull way:D. And again i can learn how to be patient. So... I'm gonna start my studies in next month so I can not wait. Still i wanna make normal motion picture movies but in my free time. Most of all - documentary movies.
So that's all about my actual life. I wonder how Your new appretice's. Do they make some amazing pictures?:D
By the way- I watched last time a Danish/Norway movie - "Jagten". Amazing. Just amazing.
JAqbw Oio 29. august 17:46
Ps. sorry for my gramma
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