søndag den 29. maj 2011

beautifull filmnews

...another two of my good guys ( he-guys, this time ) vaulted into the film/tv-machinery in this country being atmitted at the "Media-college in Viborg" - and mind You - that's not easy going...

congratulations galore from homebase: "School of film and tv-production" at Odder Højskole .

One is Jasper von Cappelen, filmstudent autum 10 - the other is newnew Omid Jafi from spring 11:

Hej Jeppe
Jeg er blevet optaget på Medieskolerne. Jeg er utrolig glad og taknemmelig for det. Jeg er også glad og stolt over, at jeg var din elev i Odder. Dit venskab betyder meget for mig. Tak for alt
Venlig hilsen

torsdag den 26. maj 2011

internet TV

Rafal, polish filmmaker and OH-filmstudent from autum 07 has heard of the new ”TV-board” and asks:

Hi Jeppe, I wondering how could i help you in creating this new project, if i understand correctly is a new Hojskole..

Currently i work in internet TV as a camera man and editor
this is my full time job


best regards.

Jeppe:...kære Rafal..yes It's a new sort of hojskole, but it's in the same framing. The good old filmschool still exists - an very succesfully so - currently I've 24 students.
The new thing is a sort of masterclass - for grown-up, selfreliant people creating and broadcasting their own tv-show...why don't You come and join us as a sirius-student...we are going to work from coast to coast in midJutland, but stationed at Odder Hojschool...this is good expierienc, good CV and a hell of lot of fun...
I would love to work together with You...
 Kærlig hilsen Jeppe
Im glad to hear that You like to work with me but im kind of bounded with work and school and even dont have savings to go there if i wouldnt (i just got new MAC to get back to work on final cut;] When does the new project starts? How long i going to be and what is this show about?

onsdag den 25. maj 2011


det er Jeppe til højre
Her er så de 5 linier fra Jeppe om Jeppe - se tidligere klumme -   
Jeppe Jensen Schjødt var elev på vores filmskole på det første hold i 2oo6:

Jeg sidder her i Malaga indtil august. Eller midt i Juli, hvis jeg får lov til at tage hjem tidligere. Det er en del af Journalistpraktikken, som jeg fortsætter på Metronome til august. Der skal jeg være et halvt år indtil videre, men håber jeg kan fortsætte det sidste halve år af min praktik også. Desuden er der en tur til Sudan i støbeskeen, når det nye Sydsudan bliver selvstændigt d. 9 juli. Der skal en del planlægning til, for at få det hele til at lykkedes, men jeg håber på at komme afsted, og følge en sudaneser i festlighederne efter oprettelsen af det nye land.


Here's a few thoughts on the "TV-Board" from former filmstudent Adam ( see below ):

kære Jeppe,

det lyder fantastisk, and what is the invitation? I don't get it - is it about going there and work on the project? from when, until when? sleeping where? Please help me out! My heart cries for Denmark, I'd love an opportunity to go there.
BTW, I completed the best courses I could find here, HD technican and DOP, for a lot of money, but they were quite crappy, your lessons were much more meaningful.

mange greetings,

...and a few days after:

if that is really going to happen I would love to come. I would be happy to do some hard work in Danish atmosphere (ahh, we had an international DOP conference here with BIG names that my HSC school organized, they were talking about setting a limit of daily worktime in 12 hours, when the Danish guys quietly commented that they never work longer than 8 hours a day:)
So do you think I can still get a place for August? Should I just send an application in the normal way?
BTW, I have learned a lot of things recently that would fit very well into the body & mind part of the school, I would love to make some workshops too.


The Picture has nothing to do with the "TV-Board", whatsoever. Its from Danish Filmsshool, aprox 1974, featuring Student Bille August, student Fritz Schrøder and student Jeppe Hovman on set at "The Nordic Film Studios"

new journalism

...now discussing our new caper "The TV-board", filmstudent from 06, Jeppe, writes that he's in teaching practice as a journalist in Spain and is carrying on at "Metronome"/tv-producers in Cph....

he likes our new ideas, very much indeed.
I asked him for 5 lines on his own situation...coming up, hopefully...

5 lines and Fassbinder

I just happened to ask Jozefa, filmstudent from autum 07 to send 5 lines on her whereabouts:

ok, 5 lines... :)
I'm working on my thesis (german language and literature, but about a film theme: Rainer Werner Fassbinder's movie: The bitter tears of Petra von Kant, a great movie). Beyond this I'm trying to find my way towards filmmaking (directing and editing). This is what I really want to do. That's why we both with Adam (you may remember him as well) thought about joining the Odder film group for one more course :) But Adam wants to go from august this year, and me in the next term from january :-s Are there some places left, or is the school full?
this is already the 7th line, so I finish here :-D

kisses to YOU and all the Odder people!


PS from filmJeppe: abovementioned Adam is another 07-student ( fascinating bunch, the 07's ), he's a filmmaker in Hungary by now...see picture, its Adam behind the cam...the other one is Anna.

Odder Hojskole ikke smidt ud af Cannes...

Her lidt forsinket inf. om  Cannes fra Lasse, filmelev fra foråret 07.

Hej Jeppe,
Tak for sidst, super fedt du var der til elevtræffet og superfedt show "De Røde Får" havde fået stablet på benene til lejligheden ;)

Som lovet får du lige et par linier om kortfilmen "Tonny"
Sidste sommer var en flok Århusianske filmtosser, heriblandt undertegnede som tonemester, ude og optage kortfilm i Harlev og omegn.

Filmen blev lavet i samarbejde med http://www.facebook.com/l/cf62cmWKts7kxIY40sQfji6nR5Q/Stop-flugtbilisten.dk

Resultatet blev vist ikke helt så ringe endda, for at sige det på godt jysk, faktisk så godt at filmen nu er blevet godkendt til Shortfilm Corner på Cannes film festivallen 2011, og derudover er blevet printet på 35mm film.


Ha det super og hils alle dine dejlige elever på det nuværende hold og sig tak for sidst :)